Permission to Reboot

Have you ever just wanted to start over? Like you are going down the wrong path, and you know it.  But there is nothing you can do.  Then one day, you say.  ENOUGH.  I am starting from scratch.   You know when your computer has just worked way too hard and needs a good reboot?  Well sometimes that is what we have to do.


I always liked the internet.  I learned html and php on the weekends.  I love making web pages, and learning new technologies.   I also am living on a sailboat, living my dream.   I thought…I can teach others to live remotely and live their dreams.   I had these grand visions of helping ANYONE reach their potential and live their dreams.  Sounds great? All the gurus make it sound terrific.  You can make money anywhere and a lot of money.  Alas, I forgot two of the most important lessons.

1) Start with where THEY are

2) You cannot force anything on anyone if they are not ready. 

 After learning these lessons, and lots of dollars on courses later, I decided to REBOOT.


I did a survey of women who are like me, having problems understanding how to get their online business going.   This survey revealed that it was difficult to plan, execute the correct path to have an online business.  Most of all, my survey participants really needed a kind hand to keep them focused.   The survey participants needed to be reminded of their goal, and why they are working so very hard to have an online business.

From this survey, I realized I love working with women.  Women are the backbone of families, community and even the workplace.   I also love helping women succeed.    

So my reboot is to help women, who want to start an online business, succeed.  By teaching courses in how to create content to be noticed on the internet, how to blog, podcast, or video, how to use social media, and how to plan.    

There is a lot to learn, there is a lot to teach.  I am ready for the challenge and ready to REBOOT.   

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