Making Time For Yourself

Hello from my sailboat: Happy Together

My husband and I decided to live on our sailboat to get away from the cold New England winters.   Our home is heated mostly with wood, and I was tired of being so cold in the morning before the wood fire was burning.  So we decided to live on our sailboat for the winter, and travel south.   At the same time, I am determined to help entrapreneurs start their online businesses and realize their dreams.   Wow, two very tall goals for myself.

I am learning so much about myself on our sailboat – Happy Together.   When I want to work, I must schedule my time to work.  When we are traveling, it is nearly impossible to work on the boat.   I am always on duty to pull a line, make a meal, get behind the helm, or just another set of eyes.   However, I am so determined to help others start their online business, so I am learning to find the time to write content.

I think this is a lot like when I was raising my 6 children.  There wasn’t anytime for myself, but I found time to sneak in what I needed for myself.   I think about all those parents who want time for themselves, to start a business, to help others, to make some extra money while raising their families.   I also think about the women, who want to express themselves but feel bound, whether real or imaginary, in their relationship, not to express themselves.   I once was one of those women, who felt my needs were secondary in my relationship.

Here are my favorite tips to squeaking out some time for yourself.:

1.  Have a clear direction on what you desire.   This is your desire.  This isn’t someone else’s desire.   You must get rid of the voices in your head saying: I can’t.. or I shouldn’t.   This is your desire.   Make sure it is clear to you.   This is YOUR time.

2.  Write down what you desire.  You can use a journal, or a post it note.  You can write on your mirror.  If you want, you can tuck it away in the notes on your phone.   Just jot it down

3. Schedule time for yourself.  Even if it just 10 minutes, just do it.   Set your timer on your phone for 10 minutes and then just do it.

4. If you are unsure of what you want, or have too much going on, take a mini-vacation.  Challenge yourself for 5 minutes to be in the moment, and look at what is around you.   Focus on the here and now.  Then you can go back to your busy day.

If you need any help in making some time for yourself, write me a line.   I will be happy to have a complimentary 30 minute phone call with you.   

Email me at

Or sign up to hear more when we publish a blog or podcast.  Stay can do whatever you dream.

You can follow our sailing adventure at


Lesley Engelson

Certified Lifestyle Coach


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