You can make money on line now with what you know now!
Can you believe this? You can take what you know and make an online business. You can generate extra income or build a full time business.
This can be huge for you. Take what you know and turn that into a business.
Let’s start with Sally. Sally owns a local restaurant and loves to bake. She is known for her baked goods. But times were hard in the restaurant, so she decided to take her baking skills online. Sally used her existing Pinterest account, following a Pinterest strategy. Now she has a large email list, and extra income teaching what she already knows.
It is possible to change your life, and start a business with your passion. Working on something that makes you happy, satisfied every day is a gift. You can set your agenda, your time, and generate income doing something that gives you pleasure. Are you ready to learn more?
First, let’s look at what are your talents? What do you now how to do that everyone says.. this is your specialty. It took me several tries to decided what I wanted to do, but I am so happy I kept trying.
What is your expertise?
Are you a baker? A creative chef? A food blogger? Are you a gardener? Are you a writer? Do you love computers? Are you an organizer?
What is your passion? You should start with something you are very interested in learning more about.
Take a few minutes to write down a several talents you have, and what your enjoy.
How are you going to sell your expertise, your passion to customers?
There are so many channels to sell your expertise to customers. Onlne, without leaving your home. Here are some ideas from the top of my head:
You can sell physical products over the internet
You can make a video course on how almost anything.
You can write a blog
You can write a e-book
You can start a membership group.
The possibilities are endless to your imagination.
Now that we know what we are selling and how we are selling, what is next?
Starting an online business involves some technical steps. Thankfully, it is so much easier to start an online business than even 5 years ago.
To get clients, the easiest thing to do is to give away a free lead magnet in exchange for the most important thing they can give you, their email address. A lead magnet is something you give away for free in exchange for the email address.
Typically, the lead magnet is attached to an opt-in page, which is part of a website. There are a couple important steps to setting up your website.
First, you need to have a domain name. Something to name your website. It can even be your
Next, you need a host for a website. The easiest way is to have a host such as hBlue host which is great for beginners. These hosts also help you start a WordPress website, which is the easiest way to make a website.
Making a WordPress website is so easy, with DIVI. It is as easy as making a lego diagram.
Once your website is up and running, you need to find a way to get your clients.
Social Media, word of mouth and lists
There are many ways to get clients. You can start where you are, and look at your existing email list of families, friends, or friends of friends.
You can also turn to social media to add to your list from popular social media platforms. The most popular platforms are:
Facebook: Building an audience to follow your brand
Instagram: Visually appealing content to attract and engage customers.
Pinterest: Sharing visually appealing content that links to your website or blog for more information
LinkedIn: Connect with other business professionals
Twitter: Following and engaging with other twitter users who may be interested in what you offer.