Motivation to keep you moving
Have you ever watched geese migrating. They are all in a line. Following each other. Sometimes they are in a V
But you always here a honking going on. Is the honking from the front? The middle or the rear?
It is from the rear. The rear goose is honking to say: ” Keep Going, Everything is Fine”
When life gives us hurdles, upsets, and challenges, we need to hear the voice that says, keep going, everything is fine.
Because the light inside of you, that little light that allows you to keep going is to tell you everything is fine. Even when it doesn’t feel fine.
Maybe you need an accountability partner, to say, keep going. To bounce off ideas.
If you are Interested in an accountability partner, just email me, and write in the subject line I want to be held accountable.
Email me at
Keep on Moving!