Make Time For Exercise

Are you moving?  Do you joints hurt?  Does your back hurt?

As a woman over 40, exercise is so key to our bones, our joints and our muscles.  And especially our minds.   There is so much research that supports exercise as a key to a fulfilling life.

Making time for exercise will be a key addition to you routine.

Even if it is only a half hour a day, put down the remote and move.

I love to exercise.  It clears my brain, which at times can be very foggy.    When I move my body in exercise, my mind becomes quiet and clear.   I tend to see things in a better light.

Currently, I am swimming.  That is my exercise of choice.  I joined a local Masters Swim group, and am fortunate to have had good coaches.  They have taught me how to swim.  When joining, I didn’t know the arm movements of the butterfly.  Now, I compete (in last place) in the butterfly events.  

Yoga is the other exercise that I love.  The time I spend quieting the mind and challenging my body with poses is time well spent.   My joints are being lubricated, and I am reducing my chances of falling.

What type of exercise are you interested in?  How much time can you spend on exercising?    Are you a walker, a biker, a karate kid, a swimmer, a yogi?   

Drop me an email and let’s begin a conversation.

Email me at:

Let’s get moving


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